Dr.Ijaz Haider Naqvi ( Session changes due to non-availability of Dr Ijaz)  Alternate session


“Time Reversal UWB system with multiple antennas: Performance analysis under imperfect CSIT”

Time reversal (TR) scheme makes use of the channel information at the transmitter to pre-code its transmitted signal in a manner that simplifies the receiver for an ultra-wide band communication system. The temporal and spatial focusing properties of a TR communication system allow the detection of the received signal with simple receivers. However, the transmitter system becomes complicated as perfect channel estimation is required on regular basis. The requirement for the perfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) is considered as one of the key obstacles in the practical implementation of such systems. Thus, performance analysis of such system under imperfect CSIT must be studied. This talk would cover the recent results for TR UWB system under imperfect CSIT for both TDD and FDD case. The discussion would be extended to multi-antenna systems (mainly SIMO) and our recent results on equalizer design to eliminate the interference caused by MSI and imperfect CSI would be presented.

Ijaz Haider Naqvi received his B.Sc. Electrical Engineering degree from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (2003), Masters in Radio Communications degree from SUPELEC Paris (2006) and Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from IETR-INSA Rennes, France (2009). He has got several years of research experience in the wireless communications and wireless sensor networks. His current research focuses on Massive MIMO and mm wave communications, MIMO Cognitive Radars, Ultra wideband communications, system level aspects in wireless sensor networks, and network management issues in wireless mobile networks. He has published around 40 refereed papers in international journals, book chapters and peer reviewed international conferences and has been a recipient of a US patent.